Friday, April 04, 2008

Quick and Random Thoughts

- I tried to change the face of my blog and lost my links. Not cool. Now I need to find them and the time to put them back in. Sadness. To make matters worse, I don't even know if I like this new blog look. Way to go Sarah...

- Ben and I still have no idea where we are going. I'm glad God knows. I hope He lets us know soon.

- I've been reading up on endometriosis. Changing my diet won't be easy, but it will be worth it in the long run.

- Ben and I have a date night tonight. We're going to relax and watch a movie. Sweet. Tomorrow we'll go grocery shopping.

- We'd love to have a dog, but we don't know where we are moving to. I don't know if we'll get one for a while anyways.

- The snowfleas are out and Ben and I have begun our annual snowflea tally to see who can kill the most that we find in our apartment. Sarah: 7 Ben: 4

- We're thinking about adopting from Russia, but I need to make some more phone calls. Ukraine would be nice but they're
making it difficult for people to adopt from there.

- My belly is still sore, but I think I'm doing quite well. I have yet to pick the scab from my belly button. I'm waiting to make sure it's completely healed in there. You're probably getting sick of hearing about it so I'll just let it be.

- I still need to post about aging and conducting my mole experiment.


Dena said...

I like the new look of your blog. And big diet changes are hard, but they can actually be fun. I have recently taken all gluten out of my diet, and am adding no dairy in the next few days. No gluten has actually been cool, and I've had fun using alternative flours. The no dairy part I'm not looking forward to, but I'll make it.

Exciting things are in store for you two! Can't wait to hear about the next step in the child process - whatever country he/she hails from!

Elizabeth said...

I like your blog's like mine.

What's a snowflea?

I have moles...does that mean I'm old? :)

Anonymous said...

what are snowfleas????

Sarah said...

Hey Dena,

I may have to cut dairy out of my diet too! I'm still reading up on things. Perhaps in the future we can share recipes! I'll keep you posted on the adoption process.

Elizabeth - I didn't even realize! I guess great minds think alike.

As for snowfleas ladies, they're these little thin black bugs that always come out in this area when the snow begins to melt. They don't cause problems like regular fleas; they're just a bother to find around your house. According to wikipedia they can even walk on water. Who knew? To learn more about this little critter you can go here:

Heather Durkee said...

Thanks for the update.

theajthomas said...

If you want a boy then for Ben's sake please do not adopt from Russia. If want a girl then go for it but you should not adopt a boy from Russia. You see every Father dreams about the first time he will get to sit down with his son and introduce him to the epic tale of manhood that is Rocky 4. Just think how bad little Vladimier when he sees Russians portrayed as evil, cold, cheating monsters. It will break his heart. Ben will know it will break his heart and so he won;t watch Rocky 4 with his son thus making his experience of fatherhood incomplete. If you do adopt a Russian boy lie to him and tell him he's from some weird place like Iceland or Saskatchewan - otherwise you will be ruining the movie.

Anonymous said...

I messed up my blog too- everything shifted around all weird. Oh well! Make sure you write a blog about what things you are going to be changing in your diet- I'm on an extreme regime right now too, but I feel like it's a reverse diet. I've never eaten so MUCH, but it's all chicken breasts, salmon, veggies, egg whites, oatmeal and protein shakes. No variety here!