Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Some Kind of Normal

I'd like my life to return to some kind of normal again. The kind of normal where I can pick and choose a work day, the kind of normal where I can be content to sit at home on a rainy afternoon and read a book and then bake some chocolate chip cookies, the kind of normal where I can practice piano, spend time with other people without school looming over my head. The kind of normal where I can chat with my sister on the phone for an afternoon and then go over to her house to play with her children to give her a break for being such a great mom. That's the normal when my niece Sheridan asks, "Aunt Sarah, do you want to come over to play with me tomorrow?" and I can say, "Yes. I'd love to!" I want the normal that's sipping hot chocolate while relaxing with my husband. I want the normal that is being busy with church, and the normal that is organizing things at home. As crazy as that normal could be, it's better than what I am currently experiencing.

I absolutely LOVE my student teaching experience. That in and of itself is not what is stressing me out. It's the correspondence courses that I'm working on: Biology and Human Physiology. They have nothing to do with what I'm going to teach in elementary, but everything to do with me receiving my teaching certification and graduating in May. They consume my evenings, my thoughts, my weekends (when I'm not doing the Pastor's wife thing). They are like a constant weight that I carry. "Only a few more months" I keep telling myself, "Keep going. Keep working. You can do this. It'll be worth it in the end."

Time is short, and right now, I don't feel like I have much time for anything or anyone. This frustrates me. I love spending time with people - this I've always known but have realized more as school has consumed me these past few months.

I look forward to some kind of normal. In the meantime, I'm clinging to God to give me the strength and determination to finish this part of my journey well.


Angela said...

Keep pressing on, Sister! IT will be worth it in the end. (I have to keep telling myself this after beginning a new degree as well). This too shall end some day.
I wish for normalcy as well. In fact, I was wishing for it today. Wishing that I could somehow fast forward the next 4 or 5 years of my life. Ugh.
Normalcy will be all the sweeter when it comes.
p.s. Alexander man, we really don't care about road construction of PA, and I"m pretty sure sarah doesn't either.

Liz said...

Guess what gals? Even after school ends and you start a family, you'll still be wishing for some days of 'normalcy'. I always thought that after school, things would settle, but they haven't and i'm not sure they ever will, until the kids move out and we retire!! :)

Rachael said...

Sarah it seems like maybe the desire of your heart is to be a stay at home mom and wife. That's what normalcy may be for you. AND I hope that someday you get that. I dunno...I just think you're amazing and no matter where you're at or what you do...You'll be amazing at it. You have the right attitude though...and that counts for a lot!!

Sarah said...

Thanks gals :) I appreciate the kind words. Liz, I look forward to one day experiencing the busy life you are experiencing with a little one at home.

Rachelle, I think you must have the gift of encouragement because you always seem to say something that gives me a "boost." Thanks a bunch :)

Jo said...

heya sarah GWAM. you can do it. carry on! show us how to be a living definition of perseverance! and i miss you. that is all.