Friday, February 17, 2006

crazy life

Okay, so I'm in the midst of giving my blog a make-over and trying to get back on the blogging track. It hasn't been easy. Life keeps throwing curve-balls at me. I haven't been able to schedule and write my finals because I've been busy substitute teaching, and when I'm not at work my evenings have been booked too. Another recent event, in which I will not go into detail, has resulted in me having to play the piano more at church which has resulted in something else to consume my thoughts and time. I'm also waiting to hear news of a new niece or nephew being born on the Canney side (Ben's brother Brad and his wife Colleen are now overdue with a blessing soon to make an appearance).

I've discovered that I enjoy being a Phys.Ed teacher. This past week I've substitute taught for kindergarten and first grade Phys.Ed, and another week prior I taught Phys.Ed for the other grades. It's not something I'd most likely want to do everday, but there's something about having a whistle around my neck that makes me feel empowered! The funny thing is, I never really was much of an athlete!

Anyways, sorry for taking so long to get back to the blogging world. I look forward to seeing what everyone else has been doing while I've been in my own little crazy world.


cariciasdemediopelo said...

haciendo click y click
en el boton de la barra
superior de blogger ....
una forma de conocer el mundo!

Sarah said...

Umm...okay, so does anyone translate Spanish? LOL. From what I can tell, this person said that they experimented by clicking a button from scrolling to the top of their blog and that's a way to meet everybody or people in the world?? Lynn Erskine, my brotha, can you help me??

matthew said...

I think your translation is correct, but I don't really speak spanish! :)

In any case, now that you have spanish readers I expect every post to be typed in a bilingual format.

Jo said...

I'm glad your back Sarah!

Gasp! But, what is this? I've been totally demoted to the bottom of your link list! Humf. ;) lol.

Seriously though, I can't wait until you have time to blog regularly, it will be so nice to know what's going on with you on a regular basis. :) I'm sorry your schedule is so stressful right now.

As for your athleticism, well, at least we know that you can mud wrestle with the best of them.


Sarah said...

Matt - Your comment made me laugh.

Jo - Now for the record, my husband put in the names. LOL. Just for you I rearranged them in alphabetical order (except for those related to me listed at the top) to show no partiality. I can only hope that Rachael will not be crushed as she is now at the bottom of my list.

With regards to wrestling in the mud - it's funny that you mention that. I was just thinking back to that the other day!

Rachael said...

Position matters not this lil plain jane...ahha. I don't even care if I'm on anyones "list"...LOL.

Soooo great to hear from you Sarah...hope you and Ben are doing well..!!

MRC said...

I was ah "surfing" some BBC blogs tonight and was glad to run into yours. Good to hear you're doing well. I like your gingerbread house, very posh.

Aaron Perry said...

i love that you spelled kindergarten properly (of course you would!) and that you feel empowered by having a whistle around your neck. that's hilarious. i feel empowered having a rubic's cube in my hands.

Jo said...

ap, i love that you use parenthesis quite frequently in your typing (parenthesis being the very posh writing trend right now).

sarah, i really missed your dad today (he used to help me with car troubles on a regular basis). do mention to him that i appreciate all that he's done for me in the past.

as for the whistle, maybe i should get one, too (alas, i'll never master the rubic's cube). i feel very disempowered right now. however, my first guess as to what your empowerment tool might be would have been whinny the pooh puppets that you would use to take over the world and restore it to it's proper hundred acre woods wholesomeness. now THAT'S power! i mean, people would listen to inanimate objects when they speak!