Thursday, October 26, 2006

Elementary Education Part 1

It is with a heavy heart that I type this blog. I have spent a lot of time reflecting over my students and how much I care about them and want to make a difference in their lives. Some days I feel like I'm getting through, and other days I can't help but be disappointed by the behavior of someone. When I was at the Christian School the worst thing I had to deal within fifth grade was a child taking another child's lunch money. While teaching here I've dealt with major 5th grade bullying of which I am unable to go into detail. Prior to some major incidences I said to my husband, I have until June to make a difference. I have these kids until June and then they're off to middle school, and I may never see some of them again." One Friday afternoon while disciplining a student, I poured myself into him, telling him that I believed in him and that he had the potential to make a difference. The next day I went into the school to do some work and find broken windows in the gym and in the doorway - the school had been broken into. On Monday, my student, the one I had poured myself into, was in my classroom and I was informed that he had been involved. I was disappointed, but even as I write this, I have to believe that I can make a difference. Despite what the world may try to tell me, I have the Lord's strength and prayer to pull me through. I may not be able to tell these kids about Christ, but I can let them see Him in my actions (which isn't always easy when dealing with 23 ten year olds).

Lord give me the wisdom to know how to speak to these children.


Heather Durkee said...

Teaching is sooo personal! I never knew how much I could love children that are not my own.

I understand trying to make a difference and you try so hard.

But I am thankful that where we aren't enough, God is.

His Beloved said...

i hear ya! the public school system is sooooo much different than the Christian schools. it has been an eye opener for me these past 9 weeks. not only in behaviour areas, but in disabilities as well. they NEED more TA's!! it just makes my heart ache sometimes. i just finished my first placement in grade 1 and it was VERY trying but an awesome experience as well. i'm off to grade 3 in a new school on monday. i'll be praying for ya and thinkig about you. hang in there! :)

Erskine said...

This is heart-breaking, brotha. One of the biggest pains in life is looking at a person ravaged by the devil who isn't ready or willing to make that change! We will surely pray with you for this boy as the Lord reminds us.

Did Arianna win?

Angela said...

I've been wondering the same thing...did Arianna win?

Sarah said...

Thanks everyone,

I haven't had time to check this since I posted.

Yes, Arianna did win! Thanks for voting.