Monday, March 12, 2007

Back to School!

Today it was back to work. The highlight of my day: I found a note on my desk. It was on a wrinkled corner torn off piece of looseleaf and it said, "*Student name* is to go to ________'s house for a birthday party. Bus #19. *Gaurdian Signature*" I knew it wasn't written by his gaurdian.

Reason number one: She wouldn't write it on a crumpled corner piece of paper. Reason number two: I found it AFTER lunch by an actual note written by another parent whose son was going to the party.
Reason number three: Let's just say that this particular student has a bad track record....

So I had the secretary phone home to check things out, and my suspicion's were right. At the end of the school day he exclaimed he was going to the party. "Where's my bus pass? I had a note."

"No you didn't," I replied. "I suspected it was your writing and it was confirmed when I had your house phoned. You're not going." He looked pretty sad. Needless to say, his guardian managed to show up right before the buses were loaded and give him a note to go. I mean really? Let's reward him for LYING to his TEACHER??? Whether or not he was actually invited is beyond me. Despite the fact that no moral lesson is being taught by his home (he's the type of kid who apparently can do "no wrong"), I found the whole thing somewhat amusing.


Kirk said...

You should have kept him after class just long enough so the buses would have left without him. Then you could have yelled. And what is your bus pass worth now!!!

Nicole said...

I love to hear your little stories. I'm so glad that you were able to be at home for a couple of days. Sometimes we need a break from the "everydayness" of life.


Ceri Fletcher said...

Hi Sarah!!!

I can't believe I found you. I saw you posted on Kristi B's blog and I poped over to say Hi. I think about you often and my last year at BBC. Hope all is well. You'll have to check out my blog and see pics from my wedding!

(PS It's Ceri Davies if you havn't figured it out)