Thursday, June 21, 2007


I think it's finally settling in. The fact that I've been offered a job as a Literacy Specialist for the District. The fact that it's a "B" contract which guarantees me work every year in this area. The fact that I'll get to work with small groups of elementary students, middle school students, and work with challenging teachers. Yes, the Lord has provided for me. I never dreamed I would be offered this honorable position. I feel inadequate, nervous, and very excited all at once. My heart is filled with gratitude for what the Lord has done in my life in such a short time.

I also have a heart of gratitude for the husband God has provided for me. June 21st marked 4 years for us and due to my job I had to work for 1/2 the day. Then we went to a high school graduation in the afternoon and a staff party in the evening. Now I sit here burning CDs with pictures, video, and other things that I put together for my students with my husband's help. It's funny. Before I worked full time, and even still sometimes, I feel like I'm married to the church. I'm beginning to realize though, that he must feel like he's married to the school. I'm driven to do well with my job just as he is driven to do well with his. This week there have been a lot of things to work on - getting the classroom cleaned, paperwork...and so I've been burning the midnight oil while he has gone to bed. Last week it was just the opposite. He was burning the midnight oil working on stuff for church while I went to bed. It isn't always like this. We do make time for each other, and typically we go to bed at the same time. I am; however, looking forward to summer...Prague is really our anniversary gift and Ukraine, our first missions trip together, will be the icing on the cake. I am so grateful for Ben's love, support, and encouragement. He and I are so fitted for each other.

Finally, I would like to express gratitude for the kinds words people have given me concerning having children. I didn't take time to thank you all before, but please allow me to do so now. Thank you for listening. I think I'm beginning to understand now...why I'm not yet a mom.

And so I sit here with a heart full of gratitude, pondering life and what's happening in it, anxiously awaiting the freedom of summer, and looking forward to what is in store for Ben and me in the Ukraine.


Heather Durkee said...

Hey Sarah! I am really happy for you and the job that you wanted. Adam and I will also be celebrating 4 years on the 12 of July. Its amazing how fast it went and how easier marriage gets when you grow up more and get used to it all.

Have fun on your trips!

Elizabeth said...

Sarah...happy anniversary, and congratulations on your new position. You are so incredibly anointed by the Lord to teach children, and they will be very priviledged to have you as their specialist. I love how you are so humble and vulnerable on your blog...the Lord is doing beautiful things in you.

Sarah said...

Thanks ladies. I appreciate the kind words.

Jo said...


Erskine said...

I'm late posting, Sarah, but congratulations on such an awesome job opportunity! I have no doubt you will be great at it!
