Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Test of My Faith

I wonder how Sarah felt - when Abraham came to her and told her that the Lord had spoken to him and told him that it was time to leave his native country to go to a place he had never seen before - I wonder what went through her mind. Was she afraid? Did she cry? It was their homeland, so she must have had relatives nearby. Having had no children of her own at the time, she must have had nieces and nephews that she spent time with. Was she worried? After they decided to pack up and leave, I wonder if she ever second guessed herself or the direction Abraham knew he had to take. Scripture doesn’t really tell us how Sarah felt, but I have thought about her a lot these past few weeks in particular. For a few months now Ben and I have been praying specifically about whether or not we were to stay at the Wesleyan church here in Perth-Andover for yet another year. Ben has been restless for quite some time. Last year I thought we were going to resign as Ben was very adamant about it, but then the Lord made it very clear that we were to stay. This year things were different. I’m not saying that we’re necessarily leaving our homeland to go to a place we’ve never seen as was the case with Abraham and Sarah, but I am saying that we could end up anywhere. We’re considering all possibilities – looking into churches further away while hoping churches in our district will open up and at the same time praying about missions and if that is a step we are to take. Ben is looking for something fairly specific. He’s ready to be stretched in other areas of ministry, while all this time he and I are being stretched in our faith.

I’ve done a lot of praying and reflecting. I’ve had my angry fit with God and then realized how foolish it was. I’ve cried. I’ve been anxious. I’ve worried. Time and again God has revealed himself to me. “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7). I’ve claimed that verse on my knees.

For the past 5 years I have been blessed to live so close to my family. Who would have ever thought that the Lord would enable my husband to work with my brother-in-law? I’ve enjoyed living near my sister and her beautiful girls. I’ve watched my nieces grow. I’ve furthered my education. I’ve found full time work. I’ve made a lot of friends. I’ve matured as a minister’s wife and grown in knowing what it means to serve as one. Now I have no idea what is happening. Everything before was so certain and now it’s so…not. At least when I think logically it’s not. I mean, a logical thinker would say, “Are you out of your mind? Look at the job you have? Look at the financial security you two have there? He shouldn’t resign unless he has another place to go.” And trust me, there are logical thinkers in my life who have either voiced that opinion or whom I know have thought it. Sometimes I look at my husband and say, “Are we crazy? We’re crazy. This is crazy.” He just chuckles at me and reminds me of the Lord’s faithfulness. He has no doubts about the decision. Although I am wrestling with my emotions, I back him 100%. One time while battling out on my knees it was as though God said, “Do you trust me? Do you trust your husband?” As the spiritual leader of my home, Ben is ready to step out into the unknown and trust that the right doors will open, and I am ready to go with him – wherever that may lead us. One time in the midst of my tears Ben offered to “settle” saying, “Well, I could just work somewhere so you could keep your job.” Then how unsettled he would be! “No Ben, you are meant for full time ministry in the church, and I am meant to serve there with you. I would not be happy if you were not working in a church or mission setting.” As much as the spiritual growing pains hurt, I am still praising God as I know I will be refined in my faith – weak as it may be at the moment.

I guess there’s still hope that I might get to continue working around here, but it’s a small hope. The Lord has truly blessed me here, and I just have to trust that wherever He leads, He will bless me there too. As I said to Ben, “Everywhere we go there will be a school. Children need an education. The Lord opened the doors here for me for a reason, and He will do the same elsewhere according to His plan.”

“ ‘My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts’, says the LORD. ‘And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine’” (Isaiah 55:8). How true that verse is! I have no idea what He has in store for us! The Lord has proven himself faithful to me in times past, and I know He will continue to do so in the times to come.


Aaron Perry said...

Out of curiosity, what is the specific stuff Ben is looking for?

Sarah said...

Hey AP,

Ben is looking to be an associate/assitant pastor who focuses on one or more of the following: young adults, discipleship, outreach, technical/media

Most of the churches on our District that have assistant positions involve youth, and Ben would like to move out of that realm. He does enjoy high school students though as they are at a different maturity level. He's just not a middle school guy anymore, and he's tired of planning the games and other things that go along with youth. There's more to it than that though of which I'm sure he would love to share with you over the phone.

I'm hoping that wherever we go, Ben will still get to preach fairly often (although at larger churches that isn't always the case) because I believe that he is gifted in that area although he doesn't see it himself. He is not the same person he was in his Bethany days. I'd really like to see him grow as a leader.

Keep your ears open and let us know if you hear of anything. We'd appreciate your prayers in the days ahead.

Heather Durkee said...

Hey Sarah,

We were in your shoes a couple months ago. I encourage you to go for your dreams. Now is the time to stretch yourselves. My take is that I will have the rest of my life to "be responsible." I am a competely logical thinker but yet God is stretching me and moving us to another continent. Even though he might be moving us, I still have my Australia list too!

All I can say is this: God will solidify in your hearts the right timing and place. Also, once you make a decision, you won't feel the weight of the unknown anymore. You will begin to experience freedom. Things that once looked scary will look managable.

We love you and will be praying for you two. After all, we did get married close to the same time! 5 years!

Unknown said...

Yey! Step out onto the water and walk! You guys are gonna be GREAT and I know your faith will see you through.

Instead of giving yourself (or listening to) reasons why you CAN'T, always give yourself reasons why you CAN!

Sarah said...

Thanks Heather and Carmine! I appreciate the encouragement. Hugs :)

theajthomas said...

The worse part is that if Ben can't find a job and you guys are desperate for money you can no longer pursue a career as a bellybutton model!!! I guess it never rains, it pours.

This is a good year to be looking for work. Churches are opening up left right and center.