Thursday, June 15, 2006

An Update on the Canney Household

The above picture is of Benjamin and me with our three beautiful nieces: Sheridan, Arianna, and Charisma. I can only hope that one day we'll be blessed with children as sweet as them!

* I graduated from UMPI - Summa Cum Laude (highest honours) - with a Bachelor of Science
in Elementary Education. Amy Smith has a pic on her blog of us under the blog title:
University of Maine at Presque Isle Graduation
(Typically she'd be listed in my links but I obviously haven't updated those...)

* I've been substitute teaching quite regularly - sometimes up to 3.5 days a week

* I am now certified to teach in the State of Maine, and should all go as planned, I'll be certified
to teach in the Province of New Brunswick.

* That being said, I've been busy updating my resume and working on a portfolio as I hope to
find full time work.

* Benjamin and I will celebrate 3 years of marriage next week on the 21st. We are also going on
vacation for the week - driving to PA and then to Ontario. I am looking forward to this as we
haven't had any time for each other in what seems like months. We're always coming and
going - it's craziness! When we do have time to sit together for a meal, the phone never seems
to stop ringing.

* He and I took part in the Relay for Life last weekend with a team from our church. It's a fund
raiser for Cancer in which you camp out on a track and stay up all night while different
members of your team walk around the track. Throughout the night there was karoke,
entertainment, etc. We were both wiped out after that.

* Ben has to preach this weekend in the evening and then we're heading for PA!!

* Did I mention that we NEED a vacation? We haven't been on one since last August.

* I have so much on my mind that I think my head's about to explode. That being said, I really
can't complain, because I am blessed. I do love my life - craziness and all.


Melinda said...



PS. Are you guys coming over Friday night? Let me know..:)

Heather Durkee said...

Where are you going in PA? Just curious...

We are going to Orlando for our anniversary and I can't wait! After months of crazyness I will bask in the glory once I get on that plane!

Enjoy it and relax!

Unknown said...

I meant to comment when I first read your new, sorry.
A. You look HOT..sssssss..
B. LOVE your top!!! white is nice on you!
C. Everytime I log onto my yahoo account I think of you...that girl that is the yahoo poster girl reminds me of you.

Congrats on all the new and exciting adventures unfolding, and also on your anni! Enjoy your time away!!!!!!!!!!!!

His Beloved said...

Cute picture!! :) Yay for graduating and yay for Maine certification. You'll have to fill me in on the process. Have an awesome vacation!

Unknown said...

I was driving down the road today and saw someone riding one of those pocket rockets down the sidewalk and thought of you.....driving into a bush...........ah...good times...

Sarah said...


Thanks a bunch! Obviously we got together on Friday and it was wonderful. Oh, and I'm so jelous that you got to have Mark Shannenburger in your house LOL! Did you get his autograph?


We're going to King of Prussia to visit my friend Carmine and her husband Dan. It's close to Phili. I'm super excited. We're hoping to see AP on our way up through to Ottawa. I've never been to Orlando, but it sounds like fun. When is your anniversary?

Thanks so much :)
LOL on the pocket rocket comment. You should have seen my bruises.

I am now certified to teach in NB!!! It was an easier process then I thought it would be. I'll definitely fill you in!

Sarah said...

Kristi, I just have to ask - Is your yahoo girl sticking out a bright pink tongue? Because mine is and she makes me laugh. I was just curious as to what yahoo girl you were talking about.

Sarah said...

Hey Calvin,

Good to hear from you! I'll have to check out your blog when I return. Remember the days of fuzzy peaches?

Erskine said...

You deserve a wonderful vacation, and I'm sure you'll have one. Remember to relax while you're on the road. When you get back, come across and see Wes, Melinda, and us! (Wes and Melinda don't know yet that I just put them in on this.)

lisa b said...

Congratulations on graduating! Have a great vacation. (I know last year when my husband graduated from teacher's college all we wanted and needed was a holiday--it's such a crzy year!) Enjoy your time off.

Angela said...

Congratulations on your graduation. That must feel so great!!!
Also, happy anniversary!! Enjoy your vacation!

Unknown said...

It's this girl Sarah

Lor & Josh said...

oh my, at first glance I thought those were YOUR kids and I thought, "Where have I been the past how ever many years that the Canny's could have three grown kids?" But their not your offspring. hum. well, it's a beautiful picture nonetheless!

Richards' said...

Wow... you have done what I want to do... I hope to complete public school certification at some point in the near future... Congrats!

Jo said...

Congrats Sarah. :)!!!

Rachael said...


Its been awhile..but I'll say congrats along with everyone else. Take of yourself...

Jo said...

sarah, have you given up blogging? :(

Melinda said...

I'm ready for a new update...anyday now...I'm getting impatient!