Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Okay, I'm finally back and looking forward to updating this much neglected blog. Ben and I have had an incredible summer and I intend on showing some pictures asap. Here's a quick update:

1. Ben and I were able to vacation in King of Prusia (PA), Ottawa, Sussex, and Grand Manan this summer. Ben and I even had a sand castle competition on the beach (He was way more into it then me. I just came up with the idea so he wouldn't get bored.) We only have two weeks of vacation so each week was filled to the brim, but it was totally worth it. As mentioned earlier pictures are on the way.

2. Ben and I were head counsellors for a week at Riverside Senior High Camp. We were both exhausted at the end of it but we had a blast. We did video room inspections which were a hit. At the end of the week we got to see Three Season Ant - I love those guys. It was so nice to be poured into after having poured ourselves out the entire week.

3. I had an interview to get my name on the long term supply list. I still don't have full time work at the moment, but I am content knowing that I should get plenty of short-term work once school starts. If I'm not working full time this fall I may get to go to a youth specialties conference with my hubby which would be nice.

4. We're going camping at Mr. Carleton this weekend with our youth group. Last time we went camping Ben refused to get up with me to walk me to the pottie to pee in the night. I had to go all by myself. He said he was too cold. Go figure.

5. My niece Sheridan will be starting school in a few weeks! Wowzers. She can already read though - compliments of her dedicated mother who has worked with her at home.

6. How do you upload pictures onto your blog? I've done it before but the way Ben showed me seems a bit complicated as it involves using another web page. Is there an easier way?


Mommy of Four said...

Hi, Sarah! Glad to know things are going well for you!

If you want to add pictures witout using a program like "Hello" or "Picasa", you can simply click the little icon of a mountain top (?) on your toolbar while you're in compose mode. Just click the layout you want, the size you want, and browse for the picture you want (it's really quite easy once you get to the page). Hope that helps! We'd all love to see pictures!

Jo said...

Hi Sarah :) Glad to know you got to have a vacation and also that maybe you'll have a bit of downtime this fall. You're always SO busy!

Um, I usually just get my pictures developed onto a CD at the photolab instead of printing out paper copies. Then I save them onto "my pictures" on my computer and upload them from "pictures from my computer" in blogger.

Does that make sense? you can email me if you have more questions.
