Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A Few Happenings in My Life...

Well I found out that UMPI is now offering a Masters program. It sounds like it will be a flexible one (after school hours) for those who teach full time. This might be something I possibly pursue depending on some other things that I've been waiting on the Lord for, so I guess in prayer, time will certainly tell.

I had a tough day today at school. Yesterday was parent-teacher which made for a long day - of course the parents that I wanted to see didn't show up. My day ended with me finding out that I'll be receiving a new student - but he's supposed to be in fourth grade. It's a long story - one which I don't want to recount right now. New students make me nervous - especially at this point in the year - I really like my classroom dynamics - and one student can change everything. I'm told he's highly intelligent but very busy...Hmm...Perhaps I'll keep you posted.

My piano is now tuned - Hip! Hip! HOORAY! I haven't had it tuned since we moved in here four years ago - I've been holding out hoping that we'd find a bigger place - shame on me. The Lord has taught me how to be content with my little abode, and so it was time for a tuning (on my piano that is). Dan the piano man did a good job as always.

I just got off the phone with a friend about a prayer request. My heart's a bit heavy.

I'm going to get ready for bed because it's been a very long day.