Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The Four M's - Missions Trip, Mother's Day, Me, and May

Missions Trip - Remember how excited I was about the lay-over in Vienna for our missions trip to Ukraine? "Ben and I are going to visit Rome," I've been telling people in such a delighted voice. Well, today, Ben informed me that the lay-over is now in Warsaw, Poland. LOL. I'm sorry, but what sounds more alluring to you - Vienna or Warsaw? "Yeah, I'm going to Warsaw for a week." I have been looking online though and it looks like there are some pretty sights there; however, it will take me a bit to get over my disappointment!

Mother's Day - Four years ago I thought I'd be a mom by now, but I'm not. So once again I'll remain seated while the mother's proudly stand and receive their carnations. (It's not the carnations I'm disappointed about - LOL) I wonder how many people will joke about me being pregnant this Sunday? If I sound bitter, I'm not...Let's just say that the "When are you going to have children?" "That baby looks good on you." "You guys need a baby." comments are starting to frustrate me. If only people knew...I don't need you to ask me how long we've wanted to have children, to try and relate, or to recommend some book to me. I don't need your sympathy either. I just need some respect and understanding. I'm at peace with God, and I know that HIS timing is everything. Had I been a mom, I would've missed out on my 24 kids at school this year whom I've become very attached to. I also wouldn't be going to the Ukraine, and I know that the Lord wants me there this summer. He has something to show me, to teach me, to shape me. He's working on me right now, making me the person who I need to be, and equipping me with the tools I need for when I do become a mom - because I will be someday.

Me - Life is crazy right now - There's something going on every weekend. One of my colleagues said to me, "Sarah, you have two full-time jobs - your teaching and your role as a pastor's wife." I'm realizing more and more how true that is. I love my husband and my life. I am looking forward to summer vacation, but I do have concerns about my class and how some of them will adjust to middle school next year. Will they become children that I don't recognize? Will they remember the pep talks I've had with them? I hope they realize just how proud I am of them. I'm already thinking about writing them little notes of encouragement for the end of the year.

May - May is a crazy month. I literally have something I have to be at every weekend. I am excited about these events of course, but June is looking like a delightful time to "slow down" (yeah, like that's possible for me!)


Kelly said...

you are awesome. :)

Sarah said...

Aww thanks Kelly :)

Angela said...

I appreciate your heart in this post, Sarah.
I agree, you ARE awesome!

Angela said...

p.s. did you receive an email from me a while back? I pray for you regularly!

Sarah said...

Hey Ang,

No, I didn't receive an e-mail from you. I remember you asking me for my e-mail addy - Are you sure you didn't put "com" instead of "ca" My e-mail is sarahcanney@yahoo.ca or you can e-mail me on facebook. I'd like to see what you wrote! Thanks for your prayers. I appreciate it!

Jo said...

you are so good at updating now sarah!

Sarah said...

Thanks Jo!