Monday, May 28, 2007

Missions Trip Letter

Ben and I are sending out support letters informing some family and friends of our trip. Should any of you want to support us whether it be through prayer or financially, I just thought I'd post this on-line. I'll be blogging in a more personal format as the trip approaches.

May 2007

Dear friends,

We hope that this letter finds you and your family well and that you are experiencing God’s blessing on your life.

We are writing to share with you about an exciting opportunity that we have to serve Christ in Odessa, Ukraine. From August 14-25 of this year, we will have the privilege of being a part of a World Hope International mission’s team. Our team will be involved in a variety of ministries that will include working with children who come to the First Step Centre (a centre that helps support street children) and doing construction at Hope House (a place that provides housing for street children.) The ladies on the team will also be taking supplies to teach young girls how to make cards and other things which can provide a small income for them. We will be working with missionaries Kerry and Carole Allison.

We are very excited about this ministry, but we need your help to do it! First of all, we need your prayers. Without prayer nothing spiritual can happen. Secondly, we need to raise close to $6000 to cover the cost for both of us. We have already raised some of the required $6000 through fund-raising and covered some of the necessary expenses needed with our own income. Please ask God if He wants you to give in support of this ministry. Your contribution would be tax deductible and receipts would be issued. Checks should be made to World Hope and sent to: World Hope Canada, PO Box 8115, Station A, Halifax, NS, B3K 5L8 for those wanting Canadian tax receipts. For US donor’s checks should be sent to Horizons Foundation (who have partnered with World Hope in helping the children in Ukraine), P.O. Box 6022, St. Charles, MO 63302. In the memo section of your check write Ukraine Missions Team. A note accompanying your check can identify that it is to apply to Ben and Sarah Canney’s mission trip costs, but this information should not be on the check itself.

Thank you so much for taking time to read this letter. Please know that the money is not as important to us as your prayers are. This will be our first mission’s trip together, and we both believe that the Lord will use it to impact our lives in a significant way. We know that God will provide a way for us to go as he has laid this opon our hearts. It is your prayers and encouragement that will strengthen us in this ministry opportunity.

God Bless,

Ben and Sarah

World Hope’s Commitment to Financial Accountability:
Spending of donated funds is confined to Board approved programs and projects. Contributions designated towards a project or a volunteer missionary’s support will be used as designated, with the understanding that when the need has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason determined by the Board, the remaining contributions will be used by World Hope for other relief efforts where most needed.