Thursday, March 09, 2006

milk, music, and finances

Milk - Am I the only one who has a hard time downing a tall glass of cold milk? I've been trying to drink more milk because it's good for my bones. My mother received a report from the doctor a while ago that she is two times more likely to break a bone if she falls. That reality could be mine when I am older if I do not get enough calcium. I tried this morning. I said to myself, "Sarah, you can do this. Just close your eyes and focus on getting this glass of milk into your body." Try as I did, I couldn't finish the whole thing. I will say that I have made progress though because I used to gag when I tried to drink milk. Then there are those of you who say, "Drink chocolate milk." Yes, chocolate milk is good, but it contains sugar, something that I'm "trying" to have less of (easier said than done for a chocolate adict).

Music - If you've read my husband's blog, you'll see that we've been listening to some "old" tunes. It's amazing how music can take you back to certain times in your life. For example, Audio Adrenaline's "Don't Censor Me" album takes me back to the summer that I met Ben at Beulah Camp. DC Talk's "Free At Last" reminds me of going to youth rallies - my friends and I could sing the whole CD (extra parts and all) without the CD on and we had a blast doing it.

Finances - Those of you who travelled with me on a summer team - you know how annoying I was as a treasurer. Perhaps if you had Ivan Graham sit you down and tell you that last year's summer teams had blown the budget and that the college was counting on you you would've better understood the plight of my agony. Remember when Dave wanted to tip - like what was it - $10.00 or more at a restaurant?! Anyways, I know I was I am reliving those days as a married woman. Ben and I have a hard time sticking to our budget. My treasurer days continue to haunt me....oh the agony of it all.


Jo said...

Sarah, i don't recall thinking you were stingy on summer team. i think for the most part i thought you were being responsible, and i was glad for it.

also, i was glad that you also did not condone dancing on top of a moving BBC van in a Kmart parking lot with a Rastafarian wig and hat on.

i WAS going to suggest eating chocolate with that milk--but that's sugar again. Sugar--ya can't get away from it!

Sarah said...

LOL - Thanks Jo! Hurray for not thinking I was being stingy. I guess I just kind of felt bad because I know that Pusey had been able to spend money as he wanted during previous summer travels. Where is he now anyways? As for dancing on the moving van - oh my -what an episode. I'm laughing as I write this remembering that event.

Mmm..chocolate with the milk would be nice. Perhaps I'll have to bend the rules a bit until I can get my milk intake and then try to get away from the sugar?

Jo said...

i vote yes on the chocolate strategy!!

the pusey's were in south dakota and are now in calgary church planting. and kathy has a nose ring. :) HI Kat! (she sometimes reads blogs).

Jo said...

sarah GwAm! i just read that you have an MSN messenger account!! how come we are not on eachother's lists? this is a tragedy. and i don't know your hotmail address so you'll have to add me, if you are so inclined.

Sarah said...

Hey Jo,

I must confess that although I have an MSN account I always sign in with my husband's MSN account (but I switch it to my name). I see that you are on his list. I guess I just find that easier for whatever reason. Should I ever use my MSN account I'll let you know (in all honesty, it's been so long since Ben helped me set it up I can't remember my hotmail e-mail addy - shame shame I know). I am not on often, but occasionally you will catch me. I would LOVE to chat with you online sometime. And for the record, with regards to ap's recent posted article, I am enjoying the dialogue you've both been posting, and I am "rooting" for my single intelligent girl friends too :)

Sarah said...

Oh, and I'm glad to hear the Pusey's are doing well. HELLO KATHY IF YOU'RE READING THIS :) Say "hi" to Dave for me and I hope that he hasn't been dancing on top of moving vans lately. I like nose rings when they are "tasteful" which I'm sure Kat's is but I don't think I could get away with it so I'll stick with piercings in my ears.

Anonymous said...

I can't drink milk either. Go with vitamins. Or Silk.

Jo said...

ah i see. it's ok. i'm not on msn messenger very much anyway---maybe twice a week? and that being late at night, too... (usually). if i were online all the time i'd never get any reading done!