Sunday, March 05, 2006

the nagging of the gums

Okay, so my face is getting back to normal. I'm starting to look like myself again. The only thing is that it irritates me to talk and to smile (ironic don't you think because those are the things I do best). It's not so much painful as it is irritating. I'm not sure how to describe it except to say that it's like a constant nagging...of the gums.


Heather Durkee said...

When I got my wisdom teeth out, I remember coming back to college and singing. I also remember "paying for that" as smiling after the wisdom teeth get out is very painful. Oh well. The cost of worshipping the Lord but I probably should have just said no to Klobby.

His Beloved said...

awe, sounds like it's been a long week for ya! although, i am glad to hear you are on the mend. my brother just had his wisdom teeth out (by dr. edwards as well) back the second week of Feb. i'm just praying i can keep doesn't sound like a fun experience. :)

Lor & Josh said...

yucky and painful! I hope you're feeling much better soon.