Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Greetings from "Scrappy"

O.K. First I want to apologize to everyone who has been trying to read my blog. I don't know why, but for some reason it was just showing up as a blank screen. Thanks to my techy hubby I'm back in the blog world!!

Yesterday I got to experience a couple of "firsts."

The first “first” was meeting my beautiful new nephew. It was so nice to hold little Alexander. I even got to feed him and burp him. He is soooo cute. It was nice to talk with his mommy; my sister-in-law Colleen, and hear about her delivery experience. She is a strong woman, especially since she has to adjust to parenthood the first few weeks alone while her husband Bradley finishes up an RCMP lab training course in Regina. Bradley got to come to see the baby for a few days, and after getting attached to his newborn son, he had to leave for Regina.

The second “first” was getting my wisdom teeth surgically removed. Now, I’ve had one wisdom tooth removed, but the pain from that experience was nothing compared to getting the other three out. The surgery went very well. Dr. Edwards did a great job. I wasn’t nervous, and I was awake for the whole procedure. After the dentist soon realized I was relaxed and easy to joke with, it was smooth sailing. I even laughed (or at least attempted to) during some points in the procedure to which his assistant said, “And she’s not even on laughing gas!” He told me afterwards that I made “a difficult procedure easy.” You see, my bottom wisdom teeth were literally sideways and pushing against my other teeth. After he “got in there” he saw that they were infected and they just didn’t want to come out. They ended up having to come out in very little pieces. Afterwards as I attempted to “talk” to my husband, he had a good laugh at my expense. In fact, he’s still laughing at my expense, and quite frankly, I’ve laughed at myself more than once after looking in the mirror because I look like a chipmunk. Ben says he’s going to call me, “Scrappy.” After the surgery I went to see my brother (who is my regular dentist, but since he isn’t a dental surgeon he referred me to Dr. Edwards) to tell him how it went (he also chuckled at my “chit-chat”), and then I went to Wal-Mart. That’s when the freezing started to wear off and the pain was kicking in. I wanted to get out of there because I was finding it hard to smile. If you know me, you know I’m a smiler. The thought of being in public and not being able to smile???? That’s unthinkable! Anyways, the pain I felt after the freezing left was AWFUL. On the way home I tried to meditate on scripture to take my mind off the pain. It was so hard. When I finally got home, I leaned over the sink and cried. Since then, I’ve been able to “eat” (soup and my favorite – chocolate frozen yogurt – the coolness is nice) and take some pain meds so I’m feeling more like me. Ben has been GREAT. He fixed me my food, picked up something else I needed from the store, and of course, has held my hand and given me hugs. He loves his little “Scrappy” chipmunk! The hardest part is not being able to talk and smile - which are two of my favorite things. I can try to do those things, but they cause me pain.

I was so glad that I got to see Brent and Amanda before they leave for Africa. I’m so excited for them. I’m also excited about something that I got for my sister for her birthday which is today. Normally I’d just get her a card because things are tight financially, but since I’m working some I decided to get her a little something special. You might find it silly if I told you what it was, but it’s something that I know she will appreciate. Since she’s not so thrilled about turning 31 (she certainly doesn’t look 31 and is a beautiful mom of 2 + 1 on the way), I thought what I got might bring a smile to her face.

Anyways, I have a hard time looking in the mirror as I find my face to be very amusing at the moment. Perhaps some of you find my face amusing all of the time. As for Ben, he just smiles and chuckles at me.