Friday, March 17, 2006

Why a Teacher Has to Have a Sense of Humour...

Three days of teaching this week. It feels good, but boy am I tired. My day with third grade went very well, fourth grade wasn't so bad, and then today...I love second grade...but let's just say that the one student who has fits was having an "off" day. Overall I had a great day, but let me tell you...what an episode! This one particular student - we'll call her "Gina" - is known for having fits. Today it was crying fits.

The scene:
I'm walking the students through the steps for making a St. Patrick's Day pin. Gina keeps coming up to me as I'm assisting students in the classroom.

Gina: So-and-so's acting like a baby.
Me: Well you don't worry about so-and-so. I will.
Gina: But I have to. He's my best friend.
Me: No, you don't. Please go sit down at your desk, and I'll take care of so-and-so.

The scene: Students are to be copying the instructions for the craft they made from the board. Gina is going around with the broom sweeping.

Me: Gina, I appreciate that you're cleaning the room, but it is now time to sit down and copy the instructions from the board.
Gina: I have too many things to do at once! I'm sweeping.
Me: (Standing up and approaching Gina) Please put the broom away and write down the instructions.
Gina: No.
Me: (Reaching for the broom) Give me the broom and return to your seat. If you choose not to listen, then you're choosing to be sent out of the classroom.
Gina: (Hands me the broom and returns to her seat.)

Time has passed. It's nearing snack time and those who are not finished will be staying in to finish or at least write enough to my satisfaction.

Gina: (tears streaming down her face) I'm not a good writer! Why do we have to do this?
Me: It's good writing practice.
Gina: But I can't do this! I don't want to do this!
Me: (Firm) Sometimes in school we have to do things we don't like. It's a part of the learning process. Now please get back to work. I know that you can write at least a few more sentences along with the rest of the students.
(Gina then returns to her work.)

The scene: Gina is sitting at her desk, sobbing (the key word is "sobbing" folks)

Gina: I don't have any snacks in my lunchbag that I like.
Me: I can't imagine someone packing your lunch and filling it with things you don't like.
Gina: Well I don't have anything to eat.
Me: What's in your lunch?
Gina: Well...I have chocolate...chocolate...pud...pudding...but I DON'T HAVE A SPOON!
Me: Well that's not a problem. Let me get you a spoon. Would you eat it then?
Gina: Yes
(Problem solved. I gave her a spoon. She was happy.)

The scene:
It's right before gym class and the students are lined up outside of the gym. Might I add that Gina was fine for the whole half hour before gym class and as happy as could be.

Gina: (sobbing once again) I can't find my little toy owl!
Me: Your toy owl? Where was it?
Gina: In my pocket. I lost it at noon time.
Me: Well, I'll go look for it in the classroom.
Gina: I want to come with you.
Me: No, you need to go to Phys.Ed. I'll look for it.
Gina: Can you bring it to me if you find it?
Me: No, I'll set it on your desk. If I don't find it we'll see if it turns up before you go home. Now take a few deep breaths, and go into the gym.

Gina goes into the gym and turns into a happy 2nd grader.

The scene:
The students are getting ready for the bus - all except for Gina. She is standing in the room, wailing at the top of her lungs, mouth gaped open, because she still can't find her owl toy.

Me: Gina, you need to get ready for the bus.
Gina: (continues to wail)
Me: Gina, your toy could be burried under all of the coats. Wait until everyone is ready. We've already looked in your desk and I've looked in the room. It'll turn up sometime.
Gina: (wailing) I need to go check in the French room.
Me: No. Mrs. Sulliven has a class in there right now. You need to calm down and wait until everyone is cleared out of the class as it could be here.
Gina: (continues to wail) I don't want to go on the bus if I can't find it!!
Me: Calm down. Take a few deep breaths. We'll look in the French room when everyone is ready.
Gina: (continues to wail)
Me: (Ignores her until everyone is else ready.)

By this time, EVERY CLASS except mine has gone out to the buses. I have another teacher take her to look in the French room while I take my class out to the bus. Once my kids are loaded, the buses are still put on hold as I literally run into the building to find Gina back in the classroom getting her bookbag and still wailing because she can't find her owl toy.

Me: (very aggrevated) Gina, get ready. The buses are waiting for you. Come on. (I put my arm around her and escort her out of the room)
Gina: (wailing) I don't want to leave without my owl toy!
Me: (stern and forceful) Gina, you are getting on the bus. You'll just have to keep checking lost and found. It could be anywhere.

Gina wailed all the way out to the bus and as she got on the bus. Never in my life have I been so glad to see a child get on the bus. The other episodes didn't frustrate me. It was the last one that did. Let's just say, that I'm glad the Lord has given me a sense of humour, because a teacher needs it.

What a day!


Heather Durkee said...

Oh Sarah. I can so relate with your Gina story. Teaching is never predictable! The children always make life interesting...or make you want to pull your hair out!

Angela said...

You're training and patience is evidence in your responses to "Gina". You're going to be a great teacher!!!
Glad it's you and not me. :-) (If you need to know how to save a life, give me a a couple years.)