Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Is It Friday Yet???

Last Friday I told a student who has a hard time finishing his homework that if he came to school on Monday with an assignment finished that he claimed he'd do over the weekend (I don't typically assign homework on the weekends but he had missed some time that week), that I'd do my "happy" dance. This past Monday morning he slapped it down on my desk and said, "There you go Mrs. Canney." So I had to do my happy dance in front of the class.

Tuesday I had a blah day and the kids were kept inside for recess and lunch AGAIN because of the cold. They've been getting at each other because they've been kept inside for the last 6 days of school.

Today at one point I felt like I wanted to cry because of a number of things that took place at school. Exhausted is a word that barely describes how I felt/feel. I had to get "ugly" with my students today. I hate getting "ugly" with my kids. I'm under a lot of pressure right now as this week there are some things that are coming to a head.

I want to curl up in a ball and go to sleep, but alas, I have more papers to mark (this time it's for the Immersion class that I teach English to). At least I'm in my new comfy pants.


Erskine said...

I wonder if it's been that kind of week for everyone? I could have used the happy dance a few times this week.

Unknown said...

Yes, I think you should actually post your happy dance on this very blog for all to see. I think it would cheer the world up.

And I feel the love you have for your comfy pants. I recently bought a pair for myself at Old Navy for .99. They are hideous- and I LOVE THEM! Andrew wasn't convinced, until I wore them and they became "so hideous, they look cute" I also pair it with my comfy shirt (do you have a comfy shirt, very important too) -long sleeved t- that says "I put the R in rad" Very 80's and also for the low low price of .99.

P.S. I've never left the house in this 2.00 hideously comfy get-up.

Angela said...

Yay for cheap comfy pants...they've been key for 3rd trimester survival!

I too would like to see the happy dance. :-)

Sarah said...

LOL - I'll see what I can do about the happy dance.