Saturday, February 10, 2007

No Relief From a Friday...

You wouldn't believe the things that have gone wrong in my life this week.

Last night as Ben and I were driving to the church to decorate the the Valentine's Banquet/Ukraine Fundraiser I said to him, "I don't think it could get any worse...unless of course someone died."

Well, we arrived home last night to find out that our neighbour (who lived under us in our apartment with his wife) died. We knew his time was near as he has been in ICU for a long time. Ben will most likely be assisting with the funeral.

Poor Ben has been looking forward to Tim Branscombe coming to visit us all week, and now we're not sure what's going to happen with funeral and visitation arrangements. I also have a full plate of my own with some deadlines and teaching preparation, coupled with this banquet (I'm in charge of the program/entertainment). I guess that's just life - when it rains, it pours.

Could it get any worse? I'm not about to ask that question, because I know that it could...

UPDATE: The banquet was a hit, and Ben bought me grey and blue comfy pants in Grand Falls today (he had to go for a guitar lesson). My comfy pants make me smile so much, I think I'll be able to do my happy dance soon. Could the sun be trying to pop out from behind the clouds?


Angela said...

"IT's a happy day, and I thank God for my comfy pants. It's a happy day, and I'm livin' it for my Lord (in my comfy pants!)"