Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Three Things

1. Lori (Geldart) Crouse has a blog now:

2. Ben us put his final video about his ice castle on his my space (check out my link)

3. I'm feeling "down in the dumps" due to some things that have occurred this week.


Unknown said...

Sorry to hear you are down in the dumps. Hopefully this weekend will bring you some rest and some time to regroup. Would if help if I were to tell you that I know have written plans to help one of your husbands life dreams come true? "How to Build an ICECREAM Castle" It's true - if he wants the plans I'll sell them to him for the low low price of .01 (collectible at Beulah)

Sarah said...


Did you know that Ben built you an ice-cream castle in his video? Does that not meet the criteria? I can assure you he'll be responding to this message.

Unknown said...

ummmm...guess I haven't seen the video....shucks...

(is it life size{ish}?)

Sarah said...

The ice cream castle appears on Ben's ice castle video on his "My Space" (see it in my links)

Elizabeth said...

Your husband is a nut! Loved his castle!! Hope that you're doing ok.

Melinda said...

hmmmm...down in the dumps? Come visit again soon!